WonderlandNews.exposed works to bring another point of view to our visitors. We all stand upon the "shoulders of giants" to carry on the fight for freedom, dignity and liberty for all humans and to pursue life without the chains of bondage from money, governments and wars.
We are living in a world where all our countries are now being run by blatant sociopath and psychopaths, marching to the United Nations agendas for humanity. They are moving us to total body, mind and soul control by the state. This is no longer acceptable to the people of the world.
We must continue to wake up those that are still sleeping in systems that are moving toward absolute control. There will be consequences to those that do not conform. We must find our freedom within the chaos and persevere on the narrow path of personal freedom. Pray for guidance
The story of the bondages of humanity is not new. Many books have been written about this very subject not the least of which is the Bible! In our technological modern "communication" time the "mainstream" media in not speaking about our loss of freedom and dignity, only how to follow an evil agenda of bondage! We only get to watch the drama of life and not a real life, just the fairy tale dream world! But, we are starting to wake up to the real truth and not the fiction being spoon fed to the masses.
The truth must be revealed "en masse'" to end the global diabolical schemes and agendas against all humanity. You know something is "not right" so, please, dive into what you are NOT hearing in the mainstream and find your peace and freedom before you are trapped into the lies and agenda that is NOT here to help you and your family.
The links on this website are to videos or writings and research from a broad spectrum of people dedicated to freedom and to freeing humanity from the deceptions being purveyed almost every waking moment, 24/7 by the Agenda of the United Nations and elite few that fund the Agendas to "help humanity". Having a broad understanding of the root of these Agenda's can open your mind to critical thinking.
Know who you are and the God given Divine Rights and Liberties no government can take away! Stay strong on your "Journey of Freedom".
In Blessing, Peace and Love, WonderlandNews.exposed Staff
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
~ John 8:32 ~