The term "virus" is derived from the Latin, meaning "poison," was used generally to describe any agent that was found to cause an infectious disease.
This is a battle with no winners except the controlling evil doers who derive some sort or acrimonious pleasure from power over other humans; a "libido domanandi, the lust to dominate". Yes, we can keep ourselves "free" to whatever degree we can and that would be in our minds and hearts. We can try to run but there is nowhere to hide. Eventually the weight of this worldwide evil insanity will be either "you comply or die" and if not die, sorely restricted whereby you may wish for death and peace, or you simply give up and become complacent in your slavery.
Which, begs a different and deeper question, are we near the return of Jesus that will usher in the peace and truth humanity is so desperate for as this evil escalates? The Biblical book of Revelation (Revelation 12:9) points out that there is a "deceiver of the whole world", i.e. Satan. Throughout the book, the whole world participates with him in rebellion against God, (Revelation 16:14). How many are going to "participate"? At this critical moment in history we are all being forced into participation with the enemy and an evil agenda against mankind and God. People in their heart and soul know that any force being wielded against us is wrong. We are inclined to resist. This worldwide agenda of control can only be from deceivers and any goodness in the world will be stamped out with compliance to the new world order agenda. The "fruit of the tree" is observable, compliance to the agenda
This is the final act which has been since the beginning of time. Covid-19 has been a silent enemy; an enemy to the liberty of the Republic of America and the liberty of all humanity in every country of the world.. Can we now call this by any other name? Can we truly say "it is for the good"? No, we cannot, if we are seekers of truth that sets us free.
The founding fathers specifically wrote a warning to our new country regarding "all enemies "foreign and domestic". Now, why would they put "domestic" in our Constitution? Because they knew that with the struggles of a new nation founded on freedom it would be attacked both externally and internally. If all the Congress, Senate, Military and Presidents take an oath to defend our country against "all enemies foreign and domestic" the what the hell is going on now?
This enemy is an invisible virus that has made humanity the terrorists. But, because we are deemed the enemy we have been shut down, silenced, isolated, masked, bankrupted, killed, displaced and evicted, as our lives have been stripped of everything that was good in them. People are now enemy number one. Doctors and nurses are being silenced and shamed for speaking the truth regarding a simple treatment because it does not fit the "agenda" of world dominance, the "new normal". Freedom of speech to speak out against tyranny has been silenced with threats and harm.
My question is simple. Who is defending us against "all enemies foreign and domestic"? Everyone that took the oath should be unequivocally fighting for the freedom our country was founded on. John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies".
Who is running this world? Why is truth not being upheld? How many are going to die trying to hold on to their freedom? How many will try to hang on for the intervention of peace? I think we all should know the answer of what is happening to everyone now and that will help you prepare for what is coming.
© Jade Anjoun