All Wars Are Bankers' Wars
All the experts in the financial realm are predicting a digital currency take over in alignment with the WEF's Great Reset. Controlled by the major banks.
The current War between Russia and Ukraine will be the catalyst for this digital currency take over and all transactions will be traced. The Bankers are all on board, never fear. They all have been preparing.
Learn more by listening to the videos posted here and do your research to survive the coming crisis and reset to our financial world as we have known it.
These Are Scary Times," How Ukraine Will Fast Track the Great Reset | Stansberry Research
"We have a war between the East and the West with sanctions to punish Russia," says Willem Middelkoop, CDF founder and best-selling author.
"The U.S. invested a lot of money to have this [Ukrainian] revolution in 2014, and Europe has the pain of this crisis," he tells our Daniela Cambone. Currently, "there is a lot at stake for the U.S.," in this conflict says Middelkoop. "Once Saudi Arabia, Russia and China agree on a new oil trading system, then things get very interesting very rapidly," he says.
Cambone discusses Biden's most recent executive order on crypto currencies, where Middelkoop says that, "this executive order was the first confirmation that [the U.S.] will roll out the digital dollar in the next few years," continuing on to say it will have huge repercussions. "Authorities will love it because they will have control over their people and can follow each and every payment," he concludes.
Jim Rogers Issues Warning: U.S. Dollar Being Used as "Instrument of War,"
It's the Endgame
"The U.S. dollar will die," and it will fall from its position as the world's reserve currency sooner than expected, says Jim Rogers, best-selling author of "Hot Commodities."
In his first video appearance since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Rogers tells our Daniela Cambone that Ukraine being inducted into NATO is the underlying cause of Russia's actions.
"Now we're paying a gigantic price," for the actions taken by U.S. elected officials, he says, and when the war is over, Russian stocks will be an undervalued opportunity. Other sovereign nations are frantically "coming up with something to compete with the U.S. dollar" due to economic sanctions being ramped up in recent years, Rogers asserts.
"I cannot see the world having 100% computer money," he concludes, saying governments will use it to control the masses.
There is no turning back once a war is declared, but what really happens when a country decides to go to war?
Check out today's epic new video as we look back in history at how some of the most brutal wars actually got started!
Cinquain is a short, usually unrhymed poem consisting of twenty-two syllables distributed as 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, in five lines. It was developed by the Imagist poet, Adelaide Crapsey.