So if you have to pay the mortgage or rent, at least another $1,100 goes away, which means that now you have $3,200 to make your car payments, student loan payments, energy bills, water bills, phone bills, cable bills, internet bills, health insurance, home insurance, and most importantly, you have to provide three meals a day for every member of your family and the cars need to be filled up with gas or you won't go anywhere. On top of that, there are always extra expenses such as home or car repairs, or new clothes and shoes for your kids.
With all things considered, it's understandable why so many families are struggling financially. Workers are facing immense hardships as labor conditions continue to decay. The number of good jobs is steadily dropping, and most positions do not support middle-class lifestyles anymore.
Meanwhile, millions of families are seeing their purchasing power getting squeezed harder and harder with each passing month as the cost of living just keeps going up. To make things worse, as supply chains collapse, global tensions rise, markets react and the economy falls back into recession, the American family is going to have an even more difficult time trying to survive financially in the coming months.
Most people in the U.S. are living in an almost constant state of financial despair right now. Parents are spending sleepless nights wondering how they are going to explain to their children that they cannot provide for the same things they used to or how are they going to stay above water for another month.
In modern-day America, if you can keep yourself from getting evicted by your landlord or prevent your home from being foreclosed, and if you're able to put food on the table every day, and put clothes on the backs of your children, then you're extremely lucky because there are millions out there that don't have the conditions to do so.
This once was a nation for the great. But now, the American dream has turned into a horrifying nightmare. n today's video, we compiled 30 facts that prove that the average American family is getting absolutely pulverized by this economy.
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